TCJA: C Corps & Flow-Through Entities | Podcast | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 119: tax cuts and jobs act: implications for c corps & flow-through entities

Christopher Axene | Tax Cuts & Jobs Act | Ohio Business Podcast
Christopher Axene, CPA, joins Dave on the second installment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act mini-series to discuss some special provisions for C Corps. Listen Now!

On last week’s episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, we learned about some of the general implications business owners are going to face as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. In this episode, Christopher Axene, Rea principal and tax expert, returns to talk about changes that will affect the owners of C corps and flow-through entities, and whether or not business owners should reconsider their choice of entity.

Throughout this tax reform mini-series, we’ve shared a lot about the importance of planning and gathering expert advice before making any major decisions, particularly if they have potential financial implications. Obviously, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has provided us with a lot of unknowns so, once again, we want to urge every business owner to give their CPA a call to determine their next steps.

If you are a business owner, you will be interested in these topics discussed in this other episode:

  • Why you should be cautious about converting to a different choice of entity.
  • Pros & cons of the C Corp tax rate being reduced to 21 percent.
  • How the flow-through business income deduction will affect an individual owner’s tax return.

Stay tuned to Rea’s Tax Reform Research Center for more updates on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

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articles & insight

New Deduction Will Provide Some Relief To Flow-Through Entities –  This new provision to the flow-through business income deduction can be tough to understand. Find out what these changes mean for you and your business.

C Corp Tax Rate Drops To 21% – What entity choice is right for you and your business? With the C Corp rate down to 21 percent, it may be time to revisit your decision. 

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: A Closer Look for Business Owners –  This FREE webinar will give attendees deeper insights and guidance into the business-oriented changes of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Resource Center | Tax Reform Guidance – Time is of the essence and we are committed to providing you with expert insight on each piece of the tax legislation. We will continually keep you updated with the latest on tax reform.

Federal Tax Reform and the Possible State Tax Implications for your Business With the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act being signed into law, the will also be state income tax implications as well.

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 119, “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Implications for C Corps & Flow-Through Entities.”