episode 174 | Business Disruption | Podcast | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 174 – disruption pushes us to reach greater heights

Don McIntosh, joins Dave on unsuitable on Rea Radio to discuss disruption in the accounting industry and why innovation is key.

Buzz words are everywhere. From “fake news” to “mind share,” words not only shape how we think about something, but they can define a movement and even bring about social change. Here in our industry, we are being inundated by the word “disruption.” Technological advancements are hitting the accounting industry – or disrupting the industry – at a rapid pace. As a result, firms are faced with a choice: we can either embrace change and innovate or we can reject change and step aside. Here at Rea, we’ve chosen to embrace change and innovate.

On this episode, Don McIntosh, retired, talks about what we’re doing to adapt to these changes, while working to deliver even more value to the businesses and individuals we serve. We dive deeper into the concept of disruption, how it’s changing the accounting industry, and how it’s changing the business world in general.

Disruption: Rea & Associates’ 2018 Annual Report

The Rea & Associates leadership team is committed to long-term sustainable growth, so we’ve chosen to embrace the disruption in our industry as a means for innovation. We’re not afraid of becoming obsolete – disruption is just part of our DNA.

**Check out Disruption: Rea & Associates’ 2018 Annual Reportto learn how we’ve addressed changes in our industry over the last year and how we plan to rise to the challenges of 2019 and beyond**

If you work in the accounting industry or with accountants, you will be interested in these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • Why Rea is investing in a Dynamic Audit Solution.
  • How disruption materializes as new products and services, to the benefit of the client.
  • What Rea is doing in 2019.

If you liked this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, let us know by hitting the like button or by sharing it with your followers on social media. You can also use #ReaRadio to join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, and you can watch the podcast in action on the Rea & Associates YouTube channel. We’ve also included access to additional resources on our website at zvorxw.cubetr.net.


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official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 174, “disruption pushes us to reach greater heights”