Internal Communication Strategies | Business Podcast | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 73 – poor communication and disengaged employees steal 20% of your bottom line

Brent Ardit | Poor Communication & Disengaged Employees | Ohio CPA Firm
Brent Ardit joins Dave Cain on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio to explain why poor communication and disengaged employees actually steal 20 percent of your company’s bottom line. Listen Now!

Brent Ardit, a principal in Rea’s Dublin office, recently spent hours upon hours researching, studying and developing an improved internal communications platform for the firm as part of his team’s NextGen project. The exercise proved to be an enlightening experience and on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, Brent and Dave discuss the findings in an effort to help other business owners discover how much disengaged employees are costing their own companies.

Did you know that 70 percent of your employees are disengaged from their work at one point or another? Brent explains that communication directly impacts employee engagement and says business owners who want to improve engagement across their organization should practice intentional, consistent and transparent communication strategies.

That being said, don’t fall into the email trap. Too often, companies focus on email as their primary vehicle for dispersing information. Keep in mind that your workforce continues to become more diverse, which means your communication tools must follow suit. Get more traction from your messaging by thinking outside the email.

Additionally, as your company grows and introduces multiple locations and departments, your communication tactics should remain consistent across every level and throughout every office location.

Wondering how your business can begin implementing its own internal communication framework? Well, like any major business shift, the first step is to secure buy-in at the top. Then, make sure one person in the company is designated as the single source responsible for making sure the plan is working effectively while securing continued feedback. The person in charge of executing the internal communication strategy must have a superior grasp of the company’s culture and should be able to work well with a variety of personalities.

Want to learn more about internal communications strategies and whether a structured internal communication framework is right for your organization? Listen now to this episode!

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official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 73, “poor communication and disengaged employees steal 20% of your bottom line.”