Current Agricultural Use Value | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 99: how to maximize your real estate value (while minimizing liability)

Brian Kempf | Tax Tips For Land Owners | Ohio Accounting Podcast
Brian Kempf joins Dave on this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio to talk about valuable tax strategies for land owners. Listen Now!

The idea of owning real estate can be enticing, particularly when the land becomes a source of income. However, the reward of revenue comes with a number of associated costs: taxes, estate planning and other red tape.

Brian Kempf, a principal in Rea’s Millersburg office, is particularly in tune with tax changes and the opportunities available to landowners. He joins us on unsuitable to identify the tactics that will help you maximize the value of your land, while minimizing your tax liability.

Getting to Know the CAUV: Current Agricultural Use Value

The CAUV applies to real estate taxes. If you own land that you use for farming commercial agriculture, you may be entitled to a reduced rate for your real estate taxes. So, rather than being taxed for the greatest use of your land, you can be taxed at an agricultural use – and this may end up saving you anywhere from 50-75 percent on your real estate taxes.

If you want to get the most out of your land, listen to learn:

  • Whether your land qualifies for reduced real estate taxes due to agricultural use.
  • How to take advantage of potential tax benefits and write offs for landowners.
  • What you should consider for estate planning.

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articles & insight

The Birth Of The Taxpayer’s Estate When a loved one passes away, the executor is now responsible for all of the finances involved with the estate. Find out the responsibilities of executors and how to manage the responsibility properly.

Start Saving Hundreds On Your Property Taxes You could be leaving a great deal of many on the table if you don’t take advantage of a credit on your real estate taxes. It’s important to figure out if you are eligible for the savings and apply it as soon as possible.

official transcript

Click here to read the complete official transcript to episode 99, “How to Maximize Your Real Estate Value (While Minimizing Liability).”