Ohio Booster Club Registration | Ohio PTA Registration | Ohio CPA Firm | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

New Registration Requirement for Booster Clubs and Parent-Teacher Associations

Most charitable organizations in Ohio have already been required to register with the Ohio Attorney General’s (OAG) office under the Ohio Revised Code Section 1093.23-.33. Under an amended rule, qualifying booster clubs and parent-teacher associations (PTAs) will now be subject to register effective September 1, 2012.

Qualifying organizations that have $25,000 or more in gross receipts during a taxable year, or hold $25,000 or more in assets at the end of any taxable year, must now register effective for fiscal years ending after September 1, 2012. Some boosters and PTAs were previously issued an exemption from the OAG office. However, under the new amended rule, those exemptions are no longer valid.

Under the amended rule, these organizations are now subject to a number of reporting requirements. They must:

  • File an annual report, including certain tax information
  • Pay an annual fee ($50-$200)
  • Submit copies of documents (such as articles of incorporation or bylaws)
  • Submit a copy of the IRS determination letter of tax exempt status
  • Notify the OAG office of any revocation of tax-exempt status
  • Notify the OAG office of the dissolution of the organization, along with the report on the final distribution

Filing deadlines will vary based on the individual fiscal year end. Visit the OAG website for more information on how to register www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov.

Note: This content is accurate as of the date published above and is subject to change. Please seek professional advice before acting on any matter contained in this article.